America vs Russia military power comparison 2024

Muttaleb Billah
America vs Russia military power comparison 2024

America and Russia have the most powerful military in the world. The two countries’ military is among the strongest in the world. Both countries have nuclear power. In 1991, when the Soviet Union disintegrated into pieces, America became the world’s superpower. If anyone in the world were asked at that time which country was the most powerful, the answer would be America because no country could compete with America then. But today, is America still a superpower? Russia, China, India, and Germany are becoming known as superpowers. Can America compete with these countries to maintain its superpower position? Can America compete with these countries to retain its superpower position? Today, we will see which country will be the most potent military between America and Russia in 2024.

Total Military Budget

Total Military Budget$819.3 billion$140 billion
Percentage of GDP3.2%7.1%
Global Rank14
Key Expenditure AreasWide range, including personnel, operations, maintenance, R&D, and procurementEmphasis on modernization, personnel, and equipment
Total Military Budget AMERICA VS RUSSIA

Personnel and Training

Active Personnel1.34 million1.15 million
Reserve Personnel1.1 million2.9 million
RecruitmentVolunteer-based military with high standards for recruitment.Conscription-based system with a mandatory period of service.
Average Service Length4 years1 year (conscripts), 3-5 years (contract)
Rolesvarious positions in the Space Force, Army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps.Ground Forces, Navy, Aerospace Forces, and other branches.
Special ForcesHighly trained and well-equipped units like Delta Force and SEALselite Spetsnaz forces with a reputation for counterterrorism and unconventional warfare
Language SkillsEmphasis on foreign language proficiency for global operationsLimited emphasis on foreign languages, with Russian typically used for communication.
Personnel and Training AMERICA VS RUSSIA

Technological Advancements

Directed-Energy WeaponsInvests in research and development of DEWs, including laser and microwave technologies.Developed laser systems like Peresvet and K-432 Ruch, but their effectiveness remains largely unknown.
Artificial Intelligence (AI)Integrates AI in military applications, including autonomous systems, decision-making, and analytics.Incorporates AI into military technologies, with ongoing efforts to enhance autonomous capabilities.
Hypersonic Missileshas many hypersonic systems, including as the Lockheed SR-72 “Son of Blackbird” and the AGM-183A Air-Launched Rapid Response Weapon (ARRW).created the hypersonic missiles Avangard, Kinzhal, and Zircon, which have remarkable velocity and manoeuvrability.
Cyber Warfare CapabilitiesPossesses advanced cyber command infrastructure and capabilities. Actively engages in cyber warfare.Active in cyber operations with ongoing developments in cyber capabilities.
BiotechnologiesIncorporates biotechnologies in areas such as medical advancements for military personnel.carries out biotechnology research and development for military and medicinal purposes.
Quantum TechnologyLeads in quantum research with potential applications in secure communications, cryptography, and advanced sensors.Invests heavily in quantum technologies, but faces challenges in scalability and practical implementation.
Military RoboticsUtilizes robotic systems for various military applications, from bomb disposal to reconnaissance.Enhances unmanned capabilities by investing in military robots for both airborne and ground applications.
Technological Advancements AMERICA VS RUSSIA

Nuclear Capabilities

Estimated Warheads5,4285,977
Delivery SystemsICBMs (Minuteman III), SLBMs (Trident II), strategic bombers (B-2, B-52, B-1B).ICBMs (RS-24 Yars), SLBMs (Bulava), strategic bombers (Tu-160, Tu-95MS, Tu-22M3).
Missile Defense SystemsInvests in missile defense systems to protect against potential nuclear threats.Operates advanced missile defense systems like the S-400 to counter missile threats.
DoctrineMutually assured destruction (MAD)Nuclear deterrence with potential for limited, tactical use
Nuclear ModernizationOngoing efforts to modernize and upgrade nuclear forces, including the development of the B-21 Raider bomber.actively updating nuclear weapons by the deployment of new SLBMs (Borei-class submarines) and ICBMs (RS-28 Sarmat).
New START Treatytook part in pacts to reduce armaments, such as the New START Treaty, which limited the number of strategically placed nuclear weapons.Engaged in arms control agreements, including the New START Treaty, to manage nuclear arsenals.
Nuclear Capabilities AMERICA VS RUSSIA
Total Ships297351
Aircraft Carriers111
Surface Combatants9084
Amphibious Vessels8629
Naval AviationCarrier-based aircraft, including F/A-18 Hornets and F-35C Lightning IICarrier-based aircraft, including Su-33 and MiG-29K
FrigatesIndependence-class, Oliver Hazard Perry-classAdmiral Grigorovich-class, Krivak-class
Global ReachExtensive network of bases and deployments worldwidePrimarily focused on regional presence in areas like the Black Sea and Arctic
Technological Edgesuperior in fields like as precise weaponry, communications, and electronic warfareFocuses on heavy firepower, anti-ship missiles, and underwater capabilities
DestroyersArleigh Burke-class, Zumwalt-classUdaloy-class, Sovremenny-class
DoctrineExpeditionary warfare, power projection, and freedom of navigationCoastal defense, nuclear deterrence, and regional influence

Ground Forces

Active Personnel533,250201,000
Reserve Personnel816,0002.9 million
Main Battle TanksAround 6,000 (M1 Abrams)Around 12,000 (Various types)
Organizational StructureModular and flexible, based on brigades and combat teamsDivision-based, with emphasis on heavy armor and combined arms warfare
Military AlliancesNATO, bilateral alliancesCSTO, SCO, bilateral alliances
DoctrineOffensive-oriented, prioritizing maneuverability and rapid deploymentsPrimarily focused on defensive operations and attrition warfare
Technological AdvantageSuperior in areas like communication, night vision, and precision weaponryEmphasizes robust artillery, rocket launchers, and battlefield air defense
TrainingFocuses on individual skills, combined arms tactics, and leadership developmentConscripts receive basic training, professional soldiers receive more specialized training
Special ForcesHighly trained and well-equipped units like Delta Force and Green BeretsSpetsnaz forces known for unconventional warfare and counterterrorism
Ground Forces Modernization PlansOngoing modernization efforts with a focus on advanced technologiesInvesting in modernization to enhance ground forces capabilities

Air Power

Active Personnel26,299146,000
BombersB-1 Lancer, B-2 Spirit, B-52 StratofortressTu-95 Bear, Tu-22M Backfire, Tu-160 Blackjack
Fighter Jets5th-generation F-22 Raptors and F-35 Lightning IIs4th-generation Su-35 Flanker-Es and Su-57 Felons
HelicoptersAH-64 Apache, UH-60 Black Hawk, CH-47 ChinookMi-28, Ka-52, Mi-8, Mi-26, Ka-29
Air Defense SystemsPatriot, THAAD, Aegis Ballistic Missile DefenseS-400 Triumf, S-300, Pantsir-S1
Transport AircraftC-17 Globemaster III, C-130 HerculesIl-76 Candid, An-124 Ruslan, Il-112V
Stealth CapabilitiesF-22 Raptors and F-35 Lightning IIs offer cutting-edge stealth technologySu-57 Felons have limited stealth features compared to US counterparts
Global ReachExtensive network of airbases around the world enables rapid deploymentPrimarily focused on regional dominance, with strong presence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia

Regional and Global Alliances

Type of Alliancesformal economic ties (NAFTA), military alliances (NATO), security cooperation (Five Eyes), and strategic discussions (India)Informal alliances, Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO), strategic partnerships (China), energy partnerships (OPEC+)
Geographical ScopeGlobal reach, spanning Europe, Asia, and the AmericasPrimarily focused on former Soviet states and Eurasia, with some influence in Africa and Latin America
Key PartnersNATO (32 nations), Japan, South Korea, Israel, Saudi Arabia, AustraliaCSTO (6 nations), China, Iran, Venezuela, Cuba, Belarus
Alliance GoalsCollective defense, regional stability, promoting democracy and human rightsMutual security, countering Western influence, economic cooperation, resource access
Global InfluenceWidespread economic and military presence, shaping global agenda on security, trade, and developmentinfluential in international conflicts and regional energy markets, but has obstacles to maintaining a position of leadership
Military Presence WorldwideMaintains military bases in numerous countries across different regionsHas a limited number of military bases abroad, primarily in former Soviet territories
Regional and Global Alliances AMERICA VS RUSSIA

Cyber Warfare

Offensive CapabilitiesHighly sophisticated tools for espionage, sabotage, and disruptive attacksAdvanced infrastructure for targeted intrusions, disinformation campaigns, and election interference
Defensive Measuresobust cybersecurity infrastructure, national security agencies like the NSA and Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency (CISA)Dedicated cyber defense units, focus on critical infrastructure protection
Global ReachExtensive global network of servers and infrastructureStrong presence in Eastern Europe and Central Asia, growing activity in Africa and Latin America
Cybersecurity Education and WorkforceEmphasizes cybersecurity education and training programsInvests in cybersecurity education and workforce development
International Cyber ConventionsSupports international efforts for cyber norms and conventionsengages in debates on global cyber standards but has not ratified numerous agreements pertaining to cyberspace
AttributionCan often identify and track attackers, though publicly attributing attacks remains complexSkilled at masking their origins and operating through proxies, making attribution difficult
ChallengesBalancing offensive capabilities with the need for open and secure internet infrastructureresolving internal weaknesses and combating changing threats from international adversaries and criminal hackers


The above tables show that the American military is still a superpower, but there are quite a few places where the Russian military has overtaken the American military. It is only a matter of time before all these countries compete with America as a superpower.

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